U.S Department of Homeland Security Pandemic Influenza COOP Workshops and Exercises


May 2008– June 2009


Sherry Witt, Program Manager
SRA International
Email: Sherry.witt@csra.gcom


The Olson Group, Ltd. (OGL) under subcontract to SRA International. Developed, conducted, and evaluated a series of pandemic influenza workshops and exercises for senior staff at the US Department of Homeland Security. The workshops and exercises addressed the Department-level and individual component agency COOP plans for dealing with a major disruption of operations due to a pandemic disease. The workshops provided a basis for identifying critical operations, key personnel, functional dependencies, and essential services.

The exercises, conducted at the Secretary’s and Agency Director’s level, tested senior level understanding of major strategic decisions in the face of a COOP situation and provided an opportunity to revise and enhance the relevant COOP plans.

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West Virginia Department of Health and Human Services Health Exercises
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City of Sanibel, Florida Division of Emergency Management Emergency Operations Plan and Supporting Annexes