Planning and Analysis

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Planning and Analysis Services

Building resilience means identifying the threats and hazards to communities and then developing the plans, policies, and procedures needed to prevent, mitigate, and respond. The pragmatic analyses of challenges and aligned resources, informed by lessons from real world incidents, are crucial to identifying and addressing capability gaps. By providing these services, The Olson Group measurably enhances whole community preparedness and resilience.

From the conduct of after-action reports, THIRA/SPR, and other assessments, to the development of actionable and streamlined plans across the functional spectrum, OGL strives to strengthen emergency management at all levels of government. OGL has extensive experience in designing and conducting assessments and developing after-action reports for exercises and real-world incidents. Our collaborative planning process addresses national standards and best practices, while tailoring products to the needs of our clients and their stakeholders.

Let OGL help your organization with:

Assessments and After-Action Reports

Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessments (THIRA)

Stakeholder Preparedness Reviews (SPR)

Security Assessments

Cybersecurity Assessments

Gap Analysis

Needs Assessment

EOC and PSAP Assessments

CCTV and Technology Utilization Assessments

Resource Prioritization & Allocation Strategies

Consequence Analysis

Root Cause Analysis

Real-World Incident After-Action Reviews and Reports (AARs)

Improvement Plans (IP)

Features and Supporting Tools of our Planning Services

Compliant with Guidelines and Industry Standards

  • CPG-101
  • NRF
  • NPDP
  • FEMA Continuity Guidance Circular
  • EMAP
  • NIST
  • Discipline-Specific Guidelines
  • State and Local Guidelines

Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration

  • Stakeholder outreach, orientation and training.
  • Secure Document Repository for collaboration, review, and approval.
  • Interactive stakeholder facilitation and consensus-building tools and activities.

Action Centered, Easy to Use and Maintain

  • Streamlined and organized to provide the “what I need to do” information up front.
  • Checklists and job aids based on functional roles and responsibilities.
  • HTML or online options to maintain plan accessibility and relevance.

Supporting Tools

  • Repeatable planning processes that live on beyond our contract.
  • User-friendly online, data-form, and fillable PDF data collection methods.
  • Plan orientation workshops.
  • Targeted individual and departmental interviews.
  • Virtual and on-site options.



